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Meteor Cheung is a Director of Photography based in Hong Kong. He is a graduate of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Film & TV School, where he majored in Cinematography. Over the years, Meteor has honed his skills as a videographer, having worked on a diverse range of projects including feature films, documentaries, commercials, shorts, music videos, and TV dramas.
Meteor has been shortlisted for several prestigious awards including Best Cinematography at the 41st Hong Kong Film Awards and the 2019 Shanghai International Film Festival Asian New Talent Award for his filming work "Narrow Road" and “The Paradise” respectively. He has also worked on the critically acclaimed films "Table for 6" and "Narrow Road", both recommended by the Hong Kong Film Critics Society. Additionally, his award-winning mini-series “Days We Stared at the Sun II” swept top prizes at the 53rd Golden Bell Awards. Meteor’s shorts, “Pop up home” and “Balance Butterfly” were screened at the 2014 Cannes short film corner, the 2014 Italy Video Maker Film Festival and the 2014 Hong Kong Jumping Frames Video Festival respectively.
Meteor has worked with a wide range of clients, including Samsung, McDonald, Disneyland, Fresh, Olay and many more, providing them with top-notch television commercials and digital promos. He has also traveled extensively and worked on television documentaries such as “Urban Exploration” and “Life on the Wall” for Radio Television Hong Kong. Meteor has had the pleasure of working with crews from around the world on international productions.
Meteor was a guest speaker and mentor at the Hong Kong Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival in 2017 and 2018. In 2015, he was a fellow at the Taiwan Golden Horse Film Academy, and in 2013, he was named the Best Fellow at the Busan Film Festival Film Academy. The following year, Meteor was invited to serve as a teaching assistant, further promoting and supporting the future of the Asian film industry.
張宇翰(流星)分別參與電影《白日之下 》和 《年少日記》獲42屆金像獎香港電影金像獎提名最佳攝影。 《窄路微塵》獲41屆香港電影金像獎提名最佳攝影,及22屆上海國際電影節亞新獎提名最佳攝影。畢業於香港演藝學院電影電視系,主修攝影。活躍於電影、電視及廣告拍攝。作品包括第29屆香港電影評論學會大獎推薦電影《飯戲攻心》、《窄路微塵》,金鐘獎最佳劇集《他們在畢業的前一天爆炸II》、《親愛的房客》、《粽邪》、《樂園》等。曾任2017及2018年香港鮮浪潮國際短片節攝影工作坊演講嘉賓。2013年成為釜山電影學院學員,該年成為最佳學員之一。翌年成為釜山學院教學助理。2015年為台灣金馬學院學員。
香港電影《白日之下 》獲第42屆香港金像獎16項提名,包括最佳攝影。
台灣公視迷你劇《他們在畢業前的一天爆炸2》為攝影指導,《爆炸2》奪得53屆金鐘獎最佳導演及最佳迷你劇集, 及獲邀在台北電影節特別放映並於Netflix放映。
紀錄片《城市遊棄2》 為2017年香港電台電視五集半小時節目,分別於非洲、歐洲、香港等地方取景
短片《Pop Up Home》入選2014年入選了法國坎城影展短片角落(short film corner)及2014 Italy VideoMaker Film Festival
短片《Balance Butterfly》入選2014年第六屆跳格國際舞蹈影像節(Jumping Frames)
紀錄片《城市遊棄》 為2016年香港電台電視五集半小時節目,分別於美國、日本 、香港等地方取景
紀錄片《活在牆上》 為2013年香港電台電視五集半小時節目,分別於紐約、柏林,倫敦、北京、香港等地方取景
飯戲攻心2 Table for Six 2 (2024)
命中注定那頭鵝 (後製中)
4拍4家族 Band Four (2023)
白日之下 In Board Daylight (2023)
年少日記 Time still the pages (2023)
送院途中 Vital Sign (2023)
窄路微塵 The Narrow Road (2022)
超神經械劫案 Everything under control (2022)
飯戲攻心 Table for Six (2022)
十三門徒 Apostles (2023)
屍房客 Body Shop (2023)
電子靈 Social Distancing (2023)
親愛的房客 Dear Tenant (2020)
冥通銀行特約:翻生爭霸戰 Running Ghost (2019)
樂園 The Paradise (2020)
粽邪 The Rope curse (2019)